Your virtual medical assistant at Whatsapp.

Marco provides you with reliable information in a fast, effective and evidence-based manner.

Reliable scientific sources

We select papers, clinical guidelines, primary studies, FDA prospectuses, and all kinds of reliable scientific information relevant to medical decision-making.
Medical professionals support us in the selection and deployment of information.
We believe in medicine based on scientific evidence.
Marco trains only with qualified scientific sources.
Information always available, 24x7 on your Whatsapp.

Marco is today

We invite you to learn about the revolution of modern medicine

  • Information from reliable scientific sources
  • Always up to date
  • Easy access

Democratizing Information

Why did we do Marco?

Artificial Intelligence is transforming health.
Marco is a contribution to the permanent and democratic updating of health personnel.

Scientific Documentation

Evidence-based medicine and trusted sources

We train advanced Artificial Intelligence models with relevant scientific information from national and international sources


Clinical guidelines

We selected the best local and international clinical guides to train Marco


Scientific articles

Together with the Epistemonikos Foundation, we trained Marco with tens of thousands of scientific articles from serious and reliable sources


Primary Studies

Together with the Epistemonikos Foundation, we trained Marco with exclusive and updated Primary Studies.


FDA Leaflets

Information on drugs approved by the Food & Drug Administration From the United States


Information you can trust

Marco is made possible by the partnership of the company Deep Talk, experts in Artificial Intelligence, with the Epistemonikos Foundation, experts in evidence-based medicine.Deep Talk, expertos en Inteligencia Artificial, con la Fundación Epistemonikos, expertos en medicina basada en la evidencia.


Do you respect the privacy of my personal data?

Of course!. We do not provide or use your personal data, and these are protected according to our privacy policy, which you can find here

How do I access Marco?

You can access MARCO through our website following this linking or by scanning the QR code. Either path will immediately take you to WhatsApp where you'll begin a simple registration process. Access is free for health professionals. You just need to register by entering your country and specialty and you're ready to chat with MARCO and have full access to all the features.

In which countries is Marco available?

The virtual assistant is designed to serve doctors across Latin America right now. The information provided is adapted to common guidelines and practices in the region, with regular updates to reflect the latest research and recommendations.

How do you ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided by the attendee?

MARCO information is regularly updated by a team of specialists in each of the medical specialties and is meticulously reviewed to ensure its accuracy and clinical relevance. We have the support of the Epistemonikos Foundation, which has more than one hundred thousand scientific articles and all the mechanisms to keep that database up to date. In addition, we follow the guidelines of recognized medical organizations to ensure the quality of information.

Does Marco solve a clinical case for me?

No, MARCO is not designed to solve clinical cases for you.
MARCO is a virtual assistant that provides information based on up-to-date scientific evidence and general medical recommendations. Its primary purpose is to provide support in terms of knowledge and guidance, but it is not a substitute for the clinical judgment or professional experience of an oncologist.

The final decision on diagnoses, treatments and case management must be made by the physician, who must consider the specific clinical situation of each patient, as well as individual factors that may influence treatment. MARCO can help in the decision-making process, but it is always the health professional's responsibility to apply this information appropriately and adapted to each unique clinical situation.

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