Deep Talk SpA Privacy Policy 

Update: January 10, 2024
Effective: January 10, 2024

For Deep Talk SpA, the protection of personal data is part of the strategic priorities of our services. We make a fair and responsible use of personal information, not only protecting the privacy of those who entrusted their data to us, but we allow them to operate with security and trust in our ecosystem. Deep Talk SpA, in order to be able to provide you with their services, processes and collects and about people who, like you, are users of MARCO. This Deep Talk SpA Privacy and Information Confidentiality Statement (the “Privacy Policy”) describes the information it collects and deals with about you and what you can do with that information. This Privacy Statement is an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions of Deep Talk SpA. Providing your voluntary, express and informed consent to this Privacy Statement is an essential requirement to be able to contract and/or have any type of relationship with Deep Talk SpA.

1. How does this Privacy Policy apply?
This Privacy Policy is intended to inform users how our MARCO system operates and, in particular, the collection of information or personal data provided by users as well as the use that will be given to such information. For this reason, it is important that you keep in mind that when you use MARCO, we process certain basic data that allow us to interact with the conversational modeling solution for scientific data referring to different types of cancer, pathologies or access to information.

 2. Who is responsible for the processing of personal information?
The data controller is the one who decides on the processing of personal data. To this end, determine the purposes or uses for which the personal information will be used and the means that will be used for that treatment (see Section 4). “What will Personal Information be used for?”). Deep Talk SpA. is responsible for processing the data of users and visitors to its platform.Deep Talk SpaRepresented by Philipp Grothaus, rut of the company 77.355.163-4General Holley 2363, Of. 702, municipality of Providencia, Santiago, Region The capacity of responsible for the processing of personal data, by Deep Talk SpA, is not responsible for the certainty of the personal data entered by users through the forms available on the platform. Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of their personal data.

3. What information do we collect and process? 

Deep Talk SpA. collects your personal information to provide our services. The personal data that you voluntarily provide is an essential requirement to be able to operate with MARCO. These are the types of data we collect○ Information that we automatically receive when using our services as a user:
Registration data such as your country and medical specialty
Dates and times when you interact with Marco

4. What do we do with personal information?
The collection and processing of your Personal Information allows us to provide you with an excellent service so that you can carry out operations quickly and securely and offer you features that best suit your needs. Except in those cases where applicable regulations prohibit it, Deep Talk SpA. may use your Personal Information for the following purposes:
- Sending updates about Marco and scientific information relevant to you.

5. How do we share personal information?
Protecting your privacy is very important to Deep Talk SpA. This is why we do not sell or trade information that identifies our users. We also do not share or otherwise transfer your personal information to third parties.  

6. How long are we going to store personal information?
We will only store personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, to comply with regulatory or legal requirements, or for the period of legal limitation of possible legal or contractual liabilities. Once the period is over, the data will be deleted or anonymized in such a way that no person can be individualized, as permitted by current regulations. 

7. Automated decisions and profiling
To send relevant scientific information, we use your profile to send you information according to your medical specialty and preferences.

8. Confidentiality of Personal Information and User Responsibility
We will do everything in our power to protect the privacy of your Personal Information.

9. Legal capacity of the user
The services of Deep Talk SpA are only available to those who have the legal capacity to contract in accordance with applicable regulations.

10. The use of personal information and the contents entered in legal acts signed through Deep Talk SpA
As responsible for the processing of personal data, Deep Talk SpA is not responsible for the certainty of the personal data entered by users through the forms available on the platform. Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of their personal data.

11. How can you exercise your rights to control your personal information?
The applicable regulations grant you certain rights over your personal information, such as: (i) access; (ii) updating; (iii) rectification; (iv) the cessation of sending notices; (v) deletion; and (vi) revocation of consent. At Deep Talk SpA, we inform all workers about the procedure to address the rights of users, clearly defining the mechanisms by which the rights can be exercised and taking into account the following: o Upon presentation of their national identity document or passport, the owners of personal data (interested parties) may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, portability and limitation of processing. The exercise of rights is free of charge.o The data controller must respond to interested parties without undue delay and in a concise, transparent, intelligible manner, with clear and simple language and keep proof of compliance with the duty to respond to requests for the exercise of rights formulated. If the request is submitted by electronic means, information will be provided by these means when possible, unless the interested party requests otherwise. Requests must be answered within 2 days working from receipt. You can make any questions, complaints, exercise some of the rights provided for by Law No. 19,628 on the protection of private life, and/or request relating to your personal information by contacting Deep Talk SpA, through this form in certain cases, we will keep in our files your personal information that you have asked us to delete to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Policy or when there is a contractual or legal duty to keep your information personal. Once this purpose has been fulfilled or the contractual or legal duty has been eliminated, we will proceed to delete your personal information.

12. Safety. Storage of Personal Information
Deep Talk SpA respects the current legal framework and establishes technical and organizational measures to secure your personal information in the provision of the service and, in general, in associated treatments. Deep Talk SpA, is not responsible for conduct constituting a crime under Law No. No. 21,459, which establishes rules on computer crimes, repeals Law No. 19,223 and modifies other legal bodies in order to adapt them to the Budapest Convention, including illegal interceptions or violation of their systems or databases, or because of their use by unauthorized persons. Deep Talk SpA is not responsible for the improper use of the information obtained by these means.

13. Changes to the Privacy Statement
Any change to our Privacy Policy will be communicated and notified to our users through established communication channels and to the contact details entered through the forms provided by Deep Talk SpA.